A few misconceptions about beautiful hair

beautiful woman with fashion hairstyle
1. Split ends can be healed  
A lie! The only way to save yourselves from split ends is to cut them off. There are no products which to return the shine of the already ruined hair, it should be cut off.
2. Cutting strengthens the hair and makes it grow faster
A lie! The hair grows from the roots not the ends.
3. Cutting your hair at full moon will make your hair great  
To wake up tomorrow or a week later with great hair mat sound intriguing but unfortunately it is just a myth.
4. If you pluck a gray hair, two will come after it
Again a total lie. If it was true there would not be hair fall cosmetic products. Just pluck one gray here and have two afterwards… then you can dye your new hair in the color you like. Horrible!!
5. 100 times combing your hair before bed guarantees shine and fast growth
Yes, legends are a great thing! But let’s think reasonably. Nothing overused is useful, even combing. It can not cause faster growth but faster greasing of the hair. Let’s not say that the hair breaks faster and you can irritate the skin. Sometimes well-known recipes are not only useless but can be harmful.