Beautiful and Elegant Hair

Beautiful healthy Elegant Hair hairstyle
Cosmetics offer every woman lots of options to maintain beauty and health of their hair. There are various conditioners, masks, and for strengthening of hair – mousse, gels and all sorts of other means. Except that they have to properly choose their hair cosmetics, women ask many other questions: To cut their hair or not to cut it? To dye it or not to dye it? To make it curly or to straighten it?
The truth is that in order to keep your self-esteem high, you need from time to time to experiment on your own hair, to try some new hairstyle or new color. There are women that change their hairstyle quite unexpectedly for the rest: for example, they go to work in the morning with one hairstyle and after their lunch break, they return with another. Others need some time to decide to change their current image as they fear how other people will accept their new look.
Many women follow every step of fashion trends without realizing that not every hairstyle is suitable for them. Your haircut may be quite stylish, but you may look simply funny because it is not suitable for your face type or your healthy and beautiful hear may look ridiculous and negligent.

If you ask men around you, how do they prefer the hair of the woman next to them – long or short, then most of them will answer you that hair must be long. Because spreading-down-the- shoulders hair, especially if it is slightly wavy, looks very sexy and irresistibly attract male gaze.
Long hair indeed looks elegantly. But it requires proper care to be shiny and healthy.
Here are some tips that will help you take care of your long hair:
-it is obligatory to use moisturizing and softening tools – shampoos, masks, and conditioners;
-it is recommended that masks are made once a week to keep hair shine;
-after washing, you don’t have to by any means wipe your hair vigorously with a towel because it loses elasticity and collects static electricity. You only have to slightly and carefully wipe it with a towel and immediately apply fixing cosmetics;
-long hair must be combed with rare comb starting from the tips.
If your hair is weakened, you can strengthen it with the following lotion:
30 gr chamomile is mixed with 100 ml boiling water and stays in a covered dish for un hour. This infusion must be strained and then a teaspoon of honey is melted in it.  This lotion is applied richly on clean hair. It has to be rinsed in 30-40 min. If your hair is greasy, this procedure is done once a week, if it is dry – once per two weeks.