Every woman can have long hair if she wants it. There are a lot of ways to extent your hair but not everyone is suitable for your case. Consult with your hair dresser about it.
Here are some of them:
Extension through sticking the hair on the roots
The glue is placed on the extension and is attached to the hair. This is one of the easiest ways to extend the hair as well as to remove the extension through glue solvent.
Clips extension
Extension through sticking the hair on the roots
The glue is placed on the extension and is attached to the hair. This is one of the easiest ways to extend the hair as well as to remove the extension through glue solvent.
Clips extension
The extension already has clips. All you have to do is put it on your head. The easiest way for maintenance is without professional help every time.
Extension through sewing
Extension through sewing
Paths are created on the head and it is sewed to your hair. This is one of the most popular ways for extension. It is quite long-lasting.
Extension through braiding
Extension through braiding
The extension of your hair is braided with your own. Every hair dresser has their unique braid which prefers and most commonly uses.